Monthly Archives: January 2013

B is for Beeston and Bournville

An Englishman’s home might be his castle. It might also be a fake castle. Or a Tudor hall. Or a mock Tudor semi. ‘B’ has thrown up a real mixture of places with little to tie them together other than the fact that wildly varying weather forecasts demanded multiple plans. In the end we just […]

A is for Accrington

2012 turned out to not be a damp squib after all, much to the my surprise (although it was certainly damp.) So for miserablists like myself 2013 must be the year where we find out what Austerity really feels like. So in that spirit, our first trip was to an unfamiliar but typical small town […]

Introducing Soupy Dave

This is Soupy Dave. In a bid to make 2013 an interesting year he will travel to places we haven’t been before, and we will write about them here. To make it more interesting we will do it alphabetically. There are 26 fortnights in 2013, and 26 letters in the alphabet. So those are the […]